Monday, February 2, 2009

Poetry responce (Braver)

  • What inferences can you make about this poem?
- i can infer that she wants to be brave but everything she does everyday since it's the same routine each day does same things are holding her up from getting braver.
  • What word best describes how the poet is feeling? Why?
-The word that best describes the poet is "Same" Because she is the same girl everyday and does the same thing everyday.
  • What is the meaning of this poem (think about message, theme, main idea)?
-The meaning of this poem is to not to boring up your life. And try different things each day.
  • Do you connect with this poem at all? Why or why not?
-NO, i don't connect with this poem because i am a brave girl who would try anything new and also that i never will stay doing the same thing after and after and if i do i would change the way i do it.